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VoxSnap AudioHub Newsletter

Screenshot of the AudioHub newsletter


HTML email template for a newsletter

Project roles: Developer, Graphic Design, Marketing

Project deliverables: HTML eMail Template

As a contract marketer for VoxSnap, I built a template for a monthly newsletter showcasing new podcasts on VoxSnap’s AudioHub library.

Another core task was creating daily social media posts, including composing copy, creating audiovisual assets, and scheduling across all VoxSnap’s social media accounts.

Instagram screenshot of How to Raise a Seed Round

I also wrote manuals for marketing interns; download an example pdf on how to prepare social posts here..

In addition, I performed market research, built both social media and SEO strategy, and established/monitored KPIs.

The full newsletter:

Full Newsletter

Hero Image from VoxSnap audioblog article by Silicon Valley Bank