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Email Development and Production at Rakuten

Clip from a marketing email showing travel destination ads


High volume email production, QA, and engineering

Project roles: Full-time developer

Project deliverables: Freemarker templates in MessageGears

In 2024, I switched teams from ShopStyle to Rakuten’s marketing squad.

Here’s a further detail from the preview: Marketing email showing travel destination ads

In 2023, I joined members of Rakuten’s marketing team for a hackathon, and the product we created there was built into Rakuten’s marketing email system going forward. Joining the team, I had the opportunity to use this system to produce, QA, and configure marketing campaigns.

I was the primary producer on an experimental single daily email project, which would draw together a custom daily email for each recipient featuring all triggered transactional content as well as either evergreen or campaign marketing content. Here is an example of one such email:

Single Daily Email showing sections for custom recommended products, marketing campaigns, and favorited stores

The code for these emails is property of Rakuten, so I am not at liberty to share.